Cruciata taurica

Cruciata taurica

Kırım güzeli

Suffruticose to ± herbaceous caespitose perennial, with strongly woody primary root and sometimes with few adventitious roots. Stems 10-45 cm, often prostrate at base, with erect to ascending branches, quadrangular, with ± broad cartilaginous angles, glabrous or pubescent with short recurved hairs, sometimes hirsute, but hairs less than 1 mm; internodes usually less than 14, upper finally elongate to 3-4.5 cm. Vegetative shoots to c. 40 cm, leaves often narrower than those of flowering stems. Leaves 10-25 x 4-15 mm, somewhat coriaceous, oblong, narrowly elliptic to suborbicular, obtuse to acute, glabrous, with antrorsely scabrid-ciliate margins only or puberulent to shortly hirsute, 1-3-veined , Bracts subtending cymes accrescent to 30 x 15 mm after flowering, obovate, broadly ovate to sub orbicular, parchment-like, often yellowish or tinged purple, finally reflexed. Cymes 5-9-flowered. Peduncles and pedicels ± densely hirsute or with adpressed hairs, sometimes glabrous, elongate in fruit to c. 3-4 mm, strongly divaricate to reflexed. Bracteoles elliptic to suborbicular, accrescent to c. 15 x 12 mm, antrorsely ciliolate-scabrid to hairy or glabrescent. Corolla golden-yellow to yellowish-green, 3-6 mm diam., lobes ovate to subelliptic, acute to acuminate. Mericarps usually single, globose, 3-4 mm diam., glabrous or hirsute. 2n = 22,44, 66,88. Fl. 3-7. Dry rocks, scree, steppe, scrub, 300-3300 m.
E. Greece , Crimea, Caucasia, Iran, Turkmenia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon. Ir.-Tur. element.
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