Galium divaricatum

Galium divaricatum

Kırk yoğurtotu

Slender annual, 5-30 cm. Stems erect to ascending, quadrangular, much branched, minutely retrorsely scabrid mainly in lower parts. Leaves in whorls of 6-8,4-10 x 0.3-1.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, cuspidate and hyaline-pointed or acutish, antrorsely scabrid along the flat or somewhat revolute margins and midrib, upper often slightly hispid above. Inflorescence broadly obovoid, axillary cymes at the 2 nodes under the central flower subglomerate, 5-13- flowered, on peduncles 3-4 x as long as subtending leaves. Pedicels 0.5-2.5 mm, filiform, glabrous, somewhat deflexed after flowering. Corolla yellowish- red, cup-shaped, 0.5-1 mm diam., with lobes triangular-ovate, not or shortly apiculate. Mericarps broadly ellipsoid, 0.5-0.7 mm, finely papillate, glabrous. Fl. 4-7. Dry, open habitats, 50-1450 m.

Mainly S. Europe, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon. Medit. element.

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