Haplophyllum telephioides

Haplophyllum telephioides

Özge sedo

Stem 7-12 cm, densely ± patent-hairy with fine white hairs. Leaves dense, ovate, sessile, not gradually narrowed below, ± densely pubescent with short, whitish hairs. Inflorescence small, compact, the branches white-lanate. Sepals linear-lanceolate, dark blackish green when dry, white-lanate. Petals elliptic to lanceolate-ovate, bright yellow, 7-9 mm. Filaments narrow, gradually attenuate from base to apex. Young ovary segments 4-ovulate, each with a prominent, sharply pointed conical apical tubercle. Capsule densely shortly hairy with a sharply pointed apical tubercle and convex or tuberculate glands below. Seeds with rather widely spaced transverse ridges, the ridges much narrower than the interstices. Fl. 5-6. Fallow fields & steppe, c. 1500 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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