Haplophyllum vulcanicum

Haplophyllum vulcanicum

Dağ sedosu
Plant 15-25 cm, with a mixed indumentum of mmutely stipitate glands and flexuous-patent hairs. Leaves dense, the largest in the upper part of the stem, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, entire, acute. Inflorescence compact, indumentum similar to that of the stem. Sepals deltoid-ovate, white-ciliate. Petals oblong-ovate, creamy white, 6-9 mm. Filaments narrow, gradually attenuate from base to apex. Young ovary segments biovulate, densely white-hairy, each with a long, acute, ± incurved apical appendage. Mature capsule unknown. Fl. 6. Stony steppe, 1100-1600 m.
Endemic. Ir.Tur. element. 
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