Salix babylonica


Salix babylonica


Salkım söğüt
var babylonica
Tree to 15 m tall, usually with drooping branches; bark deeply fissured, greyish. Vegetative and floral buds dissimilar. Leaves narrowly elliptic to linear-lanceolate, c. 10 x as long as broad, 8-16 x 0.8-1.5 cm, obliquely attenuate-acuminate, margins densely and minutely serrulate, glabrous or with sparse adpressed hairs; petiole short, 3-5 mm. Catkins pendulous, appearing before or with leaves, borne on short leafy stalks or subsessile with cataphylls subtending them; male to 2.5 cm, stamens 2, filaments hairy towards base; female to 5 cm, flowers with 1 oblong nectary, longer than pedicels; ovary ovoid, glabrous, subsessile. Fl. 4. River banks, nr s.l.-1300m. Frequently planted.
Native to China; widely introduced in Europe and S.W. Asia. 
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