Salix cinerea
Salix cinerea
Boz söğüt
Shrub 3-6 m; twigs stout, not divaricate, shortly and persistently pubescent, grey; buds ovoid, to 4 x 2 mm, divergent, sparsely pubescent. Decorticated wood with narrow continuous ridges. Leaves obovate, oblanceolate or elliptic, c. 3-4 x as long as broad, 4-9 x 1.5-2.5 cm, obtuse, acute or apiculate, entire or subserrate in upper half, dark green and sparsely pubescent above, densely grey-pubescent beneath; petiole 5-15 mm. Stipules large, semi-cordate, dentate, persistent. Catkins appearing before leaves, dense; male oblong-ovoid to cylindrical, 3-7 cm in fruit, capsule ovoid-conical, tomentose, pedicels 25 x nectary in fruit. Fl. 4. Dune-slacks, swamps and marshes, nr s.l.
Most of Europe, W. Siberia, Soviet C. Asia. Euro-Sib. element.