Acer heldreichii

Acer heldreichii

Ssp heldreichii: Balkan akçaağacı; Ssp trautvetteri: Kafkas akçaağacı

Tree up to 15-25 m. Young branches glabrous, dark red or brown at maturity. Winter buds reddish brown. Leaves usually 5-lobed to 1/2-2/3, 9-14 x 11-17 cm, cordate at base, lobes ovate-oblong, shortly acuminate, with irregularly serrate-dentate lobules, dark green and glabrous above, glaucescent beneath and glabrous except for reddish brown pubescence in the vein axils; petiole glabrous, 4,5-17 cm, not lactiferous. Flowers borne in upright, obpyramidal panicles as long as broad. Fruit wings parallel or slightly divaricate, usually reddish, 30-37 x 10-18 mm; nutlets weakly compressed, ovate, glabrous ; loculus hairy. Fl. spring. Mixed forest, 400-2100 m.

Caucasia. Euxine element.