Acer hyrcanum

Acer hyrcanum

Ssp hyrcanum: Taraklık ağacı; Ssp keckianum: Kazdağı akçağacı; Ssp regina-amaliae: Baba akçaağacı;
Ssp sphaerocaryum: Kasnak akçaağacı; Ssp tauricolum: Toros akçaağacı
Tree up to 20 m. Young branches glabrous or hairy. Leaf blades 5-lobed to c. halfway, 3-9 x 3,5-11 cm, ± obtuse or attenuate-acute, coarsely dentate or lobulate, the 3 upper lobes ± parallel-sided and often 3-lobulate, bright green above, densely hairy beneath or glabrous except for pubescence along the veins; petiole densely hairy or glabrous, 2-10 cm, not lactiferous. Flowers in erect, shortly pedunculate or sessile corymbs. Fruit wings parallel to divaricate , 16-37 x 6-15 mm; nutlets not compressed, rounded, glabrous; loculus glabrous. Fl. late spring?
 - A polymorphic species, very close to the European A. opalus Miller. Four subspecies may be recognised in Turkey.
1. Lower leaf surface shortly and densely tomentose subsp. keckianum 
1. Lower leaf surface glabrous except for hairs usually confined to the veins
  2. Leaf lobes usually obtuse, wings of fruit more than 2,5 x width subsp. hyrcanum 
  2. Leaf lobes attenuate-acute; wings of fruit less than 2,5 x width
    3. Fruit wing 2,5-3,2 cm; largest leaf blades 7-9 cm long subsp. tauricolum 
    3. Fruit wings 2-2,3 cm; largest leaf blades 3,5-5,5 cm subsp. sphaerocaryum 
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