Smilax aspera
Smilax aspera
Scrambling shrub, usually shorter-stemmed, and thicker-leaved than S.excelsa; stems thorny at least below. Leaves cordate-deltoid to lanceolate, 3-6 x 1,5-4,5 cm, base often hastate or sagittate with rounded auricles, margin of lamina at least sparsely spinulose. Flowers borne in several 1-6-flowered umbels subsessile on elongate solitary axillary peduncles. Male perianth segments 4-5 mm, yellowish-cream. Berry red or black. FL 4-6, Macchie, scrub, ravines and rocky limestone slopes, nr beaches, 50-700 m.
Mediterranean area, Ethiopia, Himalayas, Ceylon - a most unusual disjunction.