Archihyoscyamus leptocalyx

Archihyoscyamus leptocalyx


Syn: Hyoscyamus leptocalyx

Perennial, viscid and fragile, rootstock thick. Stems branched, forming lax cushions, anfractuose, 5-15 cm. Leaves petiolate. Lamina 1-2 cm, triangular, semiorbicular or reniform, truncate-cuneate at base, with 5-9 acute lobes. Calyx 3-5 mm, fruiting calyx 6-10 mm, teeth obtuse, herbaceous, deflexed, peduncle up to 7 cm arid arcuate in fruit. Corolla golden yellow, 10-15 mm. Stamens not exserted. Anthers pale yellow. Fl. 5-6. Fissures of limestone cliffs, 1200 m.

W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.

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