Hyoscyamus albus

Hyoscyamus albus

 Ak banotu

Annual, biennial or perennial, glandular-villous. Stem 30-60 cm. Leaves petiolate, lamina 3-11 cm, ovate to orbicular, obtusely lobed, lower cordate to rotundate at base, upper cuneate. Upper bracts sessile. Calyx 10-15 mm in flower, 20-35 mm in fruit, teeth shortly triangular, erect-patent, acute. Corolla greenish or yellowish white, 15-30 mm, greenish, throat purple or not. Stamens included. Anthers whitish to pale yellow. Fl. 3-7. Foot of rocks and walls, ruins, s.l.-1200 m.
Mediterranean area from Spain to S. Russia & N. Iraq/Syrian Desert. Medit. element.
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