Hyoscyamus pusillus

Hyoscyamus pusillus

 Cüce banotu

Annual, with few hairs. Stem 5-40 cm, erect, branching from base. Leaves petiolate, lamina 2-6 cm; oblong to oblong-Ianceolate, pinnatifid to sinuate or entire, cuneate at base, petiole ± equalling lamina. Flowers sessile, each subtended by two leaf-like bracts. Calyx 8-12 mm, in fruit 15-25 mm, almost glabrous, teeth triangular, cuspidate and spine-tipped, spreading or recurved. Corolla yellow with deep purplish throat, to-15 mm. Stamens included. Anthers yellow. Fl. 3-6. Slopes,fields, vineyards, waste places, roadsides, ruins, 800-1300 m. 
Egypt, S.W. & C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element.
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