Lycium shawii

Lycium shawii

 Boz tekedikeni 

Shrub to 1,5-3 m. Young branches, spines, leaves, peduncles and calyx grey tomentose, rarely glabrous. Leaves oblanceolate-oblong to linear-oblong, 7-10 x 2,5-3,5 mm. Clusters 1-2-flowered. Peduncles 1-8 mm. Calyx narrowly tubular, to 5 mm, with 5 equal teeth. Corolla 10-16,5 mm, lobes 1,5-3 mm, ciliate, 4,5 x as short as narrowly tubular corolla tube. Filaments glabrous, corolla tube sometimes hairy within. Berry red, globose, 3-5 mm.
Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Arabia, N. Africa, Sinai, Egypt. Ir.-Tur. element? 
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