Oreopteris limbosperma

Oreopteris limbosperma


Plant 40-100 cm. Fronds tufted at apex of rhizome, dying in autumn, pinnate with pinnae pinnatifid almost to rachis, petiole up to 1/4 length of leaves, straw-yellow, sparsely clad with pale brown, chartaceous scales. Lamina thin, bright yellow-green when young, with pale whitish hairs especially along nerves, under surface with yellow, lemon-scented glands. Sori 0,5 mm in diameter, near the recurved margin of the pinnae. Indusium small, fragile, or none. Spores ripe 7-9. In moist places in Fagus-Picea forest, 1000-1700 m.

C. and S. Europe, Japan, W.N. America.

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