Daphne oleoides

Daphne oleoides

Ssp kurdica: Mundarca; Ssp oleoides: Gövçek

Erect highly branched shrub, 15-60 cm. Young shoots reddish-brown, densely pubescent or sericeous, older branches glabrous, bark grey. Leaves subsessile or with petioles 1-2 mm, coriaceous, obovate, ob1anceolate or elliptic, 10-25 x 4-6 mm, broadly acute, obtuse or mucronate, glaucous, margins thickened; young leaves densely or sparsely white-pilose, adaxial surface often glabrescent. Flowers sessile, fragrant, in terminal clusters of 3-6. Bracts absent or minute, triangular-ovate, 2 x 1 mm, acute, caducous. Perianth 10-16 mm, white or creamy-white, adpressed-pubescent or sericeous-villous; lobes acute. Ovary pubescent. Fruit ovoid, 4-6 mm, orange-red. This is a very variable species so far as habit, degree of pubescence, leaf and flower size are concerned.
1. Perianth lobes narrowly triangular or lanceolate, 4-8 x 0.5-1.5 mm subsp. oleoides
1. Perianth lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, 3-5 x 1.5-3.5 mm subsp. kurdica
  • 723
  • 4
  • 0
  • 740
  • 9
  • 0
  • 741
  • 5
  • 0
ssp. kurdica
  • 752
  • 4
  • 0
ssp. kurdica
  • 787
  • 7
  • 0