Astrantia maxima

 Astrantia maxima

Ssp maxima: Yıldızca; Ssp haradjanii: Dağ yıldızcası

Stem simple or branched, 50-90 cm, terete, ridged, hollow. Basal leaves 3-5-partite, segments elliptic-ovate, central 2,5-10 x 1,5-5 cm, lateral 2,5-11 x 1,5-6,5 cm, unequally serrate or crenate with apiculate teeth, petiole much longer than lamina. Bracteoles 9-12, elliptic to ovate, acute to acuminate, 1-3 x 0,3-1,2 cm, conspicuously nerved, green, white or pinkish, ± connate at base, margin entire below, setose-serrulate above. Flowers up to 100. Pedicels 2-16 mm, occasionally minutely puberulous. Sepals 2-3 mm, linear-setaceous, persistent. Petals 1,5-2 mm. Fruit oblong-cylindrical, 5-6 x 2-2,5 mm.

1- Basal leaves 3-partite; bracteoles 1,8-3 x 0,7-1,2 cm, tinged pink; lateral umbels 0-2 subsp. maxima 

1- Basal leaves 3-5-partite; bracteoles 1-1,8 x 0,3-0,8 cm, white and green; lateral umbels -3-5