Euphorbia ledebourii

Euphorbia ledebourii

Tekmil sütleğeni

Glabrous annual to 20 cm, Stems usually simple. All leaves linear, 5-25 x 1-2 mm, acute, subacute or truncate, entire. Rays 3, to 4 times dichotomous; axillary rays 0-3. Glands long-horned. Fruits trilobate, 2.5 mm diam., keels finely granulate. Seeds ovoid to ovoid-ellipsoid, 2 mm, ventral surface irregularly grooved and pitted, dorsal surface irregularly pitted, pale grey, grooves and pits darker grey or blackish; caruncle small, conical. Fl. 5-6 . Mountain steppe, gypsum hills, rocky ground, vineyards, 500-800 m.

Crimea, Georgia, Soviet Azerbaijan.

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