Allium guttatum

Allium guttatum

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Bulb ovoid, 1-2 cm diam.; outer tunics membranous or coriaceous, sometimes breaking into parallel fibres. Stem 10-60 cm. Leaves 2-4, filiform, 1-3 mm broad, fistulose. Spathe 1-3 cm, 1-valved with beak to 2.5 cm, caducous. Umbel subglobose, ovoid or hemispherical, 1-3 cm diam., many-flowered. Pedicels unequal, central ones to 3 cm, with large membranous bracteoles at base. Perianth cylindrical; segments 2.5-3.8 mm, outer oblong, keeled, obtuse or subacute; inner narrowly oblong-spathulate, truncate, rounded. Stamens exserted; median cusp of inner filaments slightly shorter than basal lamina and much shorter than lateral cusps. Anthers yellow or purple. Capsule c. 3 mm.

 1. Perianth segments bright pink to deep purple subsp. dalmaticum
 1. Perianth segments whitish with green or purple keel, or with purple or green spot
  2. Perianth segments 2.5-3 mm, whitish with a suborbicular or oblong, purple, brownish or greenish spot, often becoming brown on drying subsp. guttatum . )
  2. Perianth segments 3-3.8 mm, without spot but with a narrow oblong-linear, green or pinkish stripe subsp. sardoum