Allium nevsehirense

Allium nevsehirense

Nevşehir soğanı

Bulb ovoid, 1.2 cm diam.; tunics membranous, outer greyish, inner white; bulblets 1.5-2 cm, pale yellow, lanceolate, acuminate, sessile. Stem 30-80 cm, terete, beiring leaves in lower 1 /3. Leaves 2-4, fistulose, 2-5 mm broad, semicylindrical in lower part, canaliculate, scabrid on margin, cylindrical above. Spathe 2-valved; valves c. 6 mm, rounded or ovate, acuminate. Umbel globose, 2-4 cm diam., many-flowered. Pedicels 0.8-1 cm, outer ones bracteolate. Perianth oblong-campanulate; segments greenish-yellow, jade green or green, 3-4 mm, smooth, outer oblong-ovate, cymbiform, obtuse, inner broadly ellipticovate, subacute. Filaments somewhat exserted, ciliate at base; median cusp of inner filaments 1/3 x basal lamina and equal to or somewhat longer than lateral cusps. Anthers yellow, yellowish-white or dark purple. Capsule globose, c. 3 mm, equalling or somewhat longer than perianth. Fl. 7-8. Dry slopes, rocky places, vineyards, roadsides, on calcareous volcanic tuff, gypsum and shale, 800-1900 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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