Chrysophthalmum gueneri

Chrysophthalmum gueneri

Gevne tutçası

Perennial herb with short rhizome, basally with bulb-like resting buds; buds villose but not sericeous. STEM erect, 20-30cm high, simple or more often divaricately branched in the upper part, branches slender, somewhat curved, with long hairs and short glandular hairs. LEAVES alternate, linearlanceolate, acute, with long white hairs and short glandular-hairs, subglabrous with age; leaves attenuating towards base or slightly clasping, 7-70 mm x 3-6 mm, with one prominent mid-vein, without or with very indistinct lateral veins and without prominent anastomoses. Leaf-margin entire or with a few short teeth. Leaves on next year’s growth almost in rosette, linear-lanceolate and similar to cauline leaves but longer and wider. Peduncles slender, not thickened below capitulum, 3-1Ocm long, with white hairs and short glandular hairs. CAPITULA homogamous, discoid, surrounded by a few small narrow leaves. Receptacle conical, paleate; paleae narrowly linear, terete at base, widened at apex and  somewhat  longer than florets. Involucre hemispherical, 7-10 mm x 10 mm; involucral bracts hairy, linear, more or less cartilaginous, almost terete at base with a widened apical portion; outer bracts 4-6 mm x 1 mm, inner bracts 5-6 mm x 0.5-0.7 mm, as long as the corolla or slightly longer, sometimes purple-tipped. FLORETS perfect. Corolla five-lobed, tubular, orange-yellow, 3-3.5 mm long; corolla-lobes glandular, epidermis cells with straight cell walls. Anthers ecalcarate, with short, slightly branched tails; apical appendage blunt, somewhat emarginate; endothecial tissue radial. Style bifid; style-branches obtuse with acute sweeping-hairs dorsally; stigmatic area in two apically confluent bands. CYPSELAS narrowly ellipsoidal, almost fusiform, brown, ribbed, with short twin-hairs; cypsela epidermis cells with one elongate crystal. Pappus missing, but a row of twin hairs present when immature. Flowering period July-August, fruiting in August-October.


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