Onosma sintenisii


Onosma sintenisii


Özge emcek
Perennial, caespitose. Stems 2 to numerous, 10-28 cm, simple, adpressed-setose and sparsely pubescent, base clothed with remains of leaves. Leaves adpressed-setose above, glabrous beneath, margins revolute; basal 35- 100 x 3-6.5 mm, narrowly linear-lanceolate, obtuse, shortly petiolate, cauline and bracts linear-lanceolate, obtuse, shortly petiolate, cauline and bracts linear-lanceolate,subacute, sessile to subsessile. Inflorescence terminal, subcapitate, of 1-2 cymes. Pedicels to 2 mm. Calyx 15-16 mm in flower, to 18 mm in fruit, lobes broadly lanceolate, acute, widening in fruit and soon glabrescent. Corolla yellow, 20-22 mm, campanulate, glabrous. Filaments inserted near base of corolla, slightly longer than included anthers. Nutlets c. 3.5 mm, oblong-ovoid, acute, brown, smooth or slightly rugose. Fl. 5-7. Stony hillsides, gypsum slopes steppe, 1370-1500 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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