Zuvanda exacoides


Zuvanda exacoides


Çölemerik teresi
Sin: Malcolmia exacoides
Annual herb, 3-8 cm, simple or erect or ascending branched from about the base; stems ± tuberculate –scabrid hairy throughout. Leaves oblanceolate to oblong-lingulate, the lower 15-30 x 2-5 mm, glabrous or usually papillate-hairy at least along the lower surface of the midrib, remotely bluntly to rather sharply dentate or subentire, narrowed below but sessile with slightly expanded sheathing bases; branch leaves similar but  scarcely narrowed below, with distinct blunt or sometimes acuminate auricles. Raceme mostly with 2-5 large flowers, the lower increasingly remote; pedicels 2- 3 mm, patent-erect, ±scabrid, incrassate in fruit. Sepals 8-10 mm, glabrous or sparingly papillate-hairy. Petal primrose to rather bright yellow, 13-17 mm, the lamina cuneate-oblong to cuneate-obovate, entire above, narrowed below to the much longer claw. Inner flament free. Siliqua narrowly linear, 35-57 x 1-1.5 mm, patent-ascending, glabrous or tuberculate; seeds brown, 1.25 mm, minutely oveolate. Flowering: March-April, fruiting: May. Steppe, fields, 400-500 m.
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