Silene nerimaniae

Silene nerimaniae

Sultan nakılı

A densely tufted suffruticose perennial, bearing vegetative shoots with simple, tufted leaves, puberulous, densely glandular, viscid, lower part retrosely 50. Flowering stems 20-30 cm tall, grooved, ca 2 mm in diameter, green, branched from the base. Leaves decurrent, dimorphic, puberulous, densly gladular, viscid, basal and lower cauline leaves spathulate, 12-27x4-10 mm, mucronate at apex. Middle and upper cauline leaves eliptic-obovate, sessile, 16-21x6-8 mm, acute or mucronate at apex. Bracts elliptic_ovate, acute at apex, 8-19 x6-15 mm. Flowers solitary or 2-3 in a dichasial cyme, alar flower present. Pedicel up to 6 mm long, erect. Calyx 23-30 mm long with 10 prominent nerves, inflated and constricted around anthophore, in fruit contracted at apex, becoming purplish after anthesis, teeth 2 mm long, narrowly triangular, minutely ciliate with scarious margin. Petals 19-26 mm, longer than calyx, whitish, limb 9-12 mm long, bipartite to ca half of its length, lobes oblong, coronal scales ca 1.2 mm, oblong. Anthophore 11-13 mm long, almost glabrous to shortly puberulous. Stamens 18-24 mm, anthers 1 mm, exerted from calyx. Styles 3. Capsule ovoid, glabrous, included in the calyx or slightly exerted from calyx at maturity. Seeds 2.4x1.7 mm, black, rounded-reniform, laterally papillate, number of suture points per plate 19-23, suture outline serrate. Flowering and fruiting in May-August. Screes, 1500-2700 m.


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