Convolvulus holosericeus

Convolvulus holosericeus

Ssp holosericeus: Gündüzsefası; Ssp macrocalycinus: Hoş gündüzsefası
Woody-based adpressed-sericeous perennial with stems ascending or procumbent. Lower leaves narrowly obovate to linear-oblanceolate, 1-6 x 0,3-0,9 cm, usually with short petioles, otherwise sessile. Flowers sometimes solitary and terminal, otherwise axillary or in terminal cymes. Outer sepals gibbous, orbicular-ovate, acuminate, adpressed-hairy or subglabrous. Corolla white to pale yellow, rarely rose, 2-2,8 cm. Ovary hairy. Fl. 5-7. Pinus brutia woodland, macchie, dry steppe, sandy, rocky, eroded, shaly clay and calcareous hills, chalky fields, 250-1700 m.
1. Sepals 7-10 x 6-8 mm su bsp. holosericeus 
1. Sepals 13-17 x 11-13 mm subsp. macrocalycinus