Eleocharis divaricata

Eleocharis divaricata

Plants annual or short-lived perennial with amphicarpic proliferation. Stems 7-10 cm, thin or filiform, caespitose, c.1 mm at base, 0.5-0.6 mm wide at the tip, shiny dark green. Leaf sheaths 1 or 2, reddish or mauve, obliquely truncate. Inflorescences 4-8 mm ovate-deltoid, obtuse at apex; many-flowered; flowers densely imbricate. Lower glumes 2, equal and sterile, large green carina on the back, 3-nerved and longer than others, each glume covering up to half the spikelets. Glumes 1.7-2.0 x 1.1-1.3 mm, median nerve green and carinate, brown outward toward the edge, outer parts transparent, membranous, obscurely veined. Stamens 2; filaments longer than achenes and bristles, anthers 0.8-1.1 mm. Stigma 2, hairy. Perianth bristles 7, white, spinose on the upper parts or completely, longer than achenes.  Achenes obpyriform; thickly bordered at the edge, 1 mm long, widest at the middle, striate, blackish-purple, stipitate at the base; stylopodium deltoid narrower than the achene, usually light green or sometimes whitish.


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