Medicago lupulina

Medicago lupulina


Perennial, sometimes annual or biennial, prostrate or ascending, 15-60 cm, pubescent, with simple or glandular hairs. Leaflets 5-20 x 4-8 mm, obovate, cuneate, retuse to obcordate, apiculate, finely serrate in the upper half; stipules dentate with long upper tooth, sometimes nearly entire. Peduncle usually many-flowered , slender, many times longer than petiole, about equal to leaf. Flowers 2-4 mm long. Calyx teeth unequal, about equal to tube. Corolla slightly longer than calyx. Fruit a minute, 1-seeded nut, 2 mm, spineless, adpressed-hairy, glabrescent or glabrous, often black when ripe, with prominent veins; distal part coiled. 2n = l6, 32. Fl. 5-7. Scrub, meadows, fields, waste places etc., s.l.-c. 2000 in.

Europe, N., N.W. & W. Iran, W. Syria, Caucasia, Transcaspia, Turkestan. 



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