Vicia alpestris

Vicia alpestris

Ssp alpestris: Dağ baklası; Ssp hypoleuca: Yayla baklası

Perennial, densely adpressed-canescent or villous-pubescent. Stems ascending from creeping caudiculi, 5-40 cm. Leaves mostly ending in a slender, simple or branched tendril, the lowest leaves often only mucronate; leaflets 4-8-paired. ovate or oblong-elliptic. 4-14 x 2.5-7 mm, ± obtuse, weakly or strongly mucron-ate; stipules semi-hastate, the lower ones often sparsely-toothed. Racemes long-peduncled, broadly oblong, closely 3-9-flowered. Calyx purplish, 5-6 mm. the lowest tooth shorter than tube. Corolla violet-blue or reddish purple. 14-20 mm. Style laterally compressed. Legume oblong, 25-30 x 6-8 mm, always glabrous, obliquely truncate above, several-seeded.

1.Indumentum shortly villosulous-pubescent; leaves usually with a short straight mucro; calyx with the lowest tooth usually about half as long as tube subsp. alpestris
1.Indumentum densely adpressed-canescent or sericeous; leaves with a broader, recurved mucro: calyx teeth shorter, usually less than half as long as tube subsp. hypoleuca

Endemic? Ir.-Tur. element.