Salvia candidissima

Salvia candidissima

Ssp candidissima: Galabor; Ssp occidentalis: Akgalabor
Perennial herb. Stems 30-60 cm, erect, branched above, pilose to lanate below with few sessile glands, densely pilose to glandular-papillose above. Leaves simple, oblong to broadly ovate, 2.5-10 x 1-9 cm, pubescent to densely pannose, subentire to erose, cordate to rounded; petiole 3-11 cm.  Inflorescence paniculate, often yellowish-green verticillasters 2-6-flowered, distant. Bracts ovate-acuminate, 4-10 x 3-6 mm. Pedicels 2-4 mm. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 12-15 mm, to 18 mm and widening in fruit, densely pilose to glandular-papillose; upper lip with 3 closely connivent mucronate teeth. Corolla white or white with yellow lip, 22-27 mm; tube c. 12 mm, ventricose, squamulate; upper lip strongly falcate. Stamens B. Nutlets rounded trigonous, ovoid, c. 3 x 2.5 mm. 2n = 22, 24. Fl. 5-9.
1. Leaves ovate to broadly ovate, 5-10 x 3-9 cm, often discolorous with a thin indumentum, serrulate to erose, cordate; flowers white with a yellow lip.....subsp. candidissima 
1. Leaves oblong to ovate, 2.5-11.5 x 1-6 cm, concolorous with a thick indumentum, serrulate to subentire, rounded to subcordate; flowers white throughout .............subsp. occidentalis
Distribution of species: Greece, Albania. Ir-Tur. element? 
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