Ranunculus marginatus

Ranunculus marginatus


Annual, 5-30 cm, branched from base, ± hairy. Stems leafy, branched. Radical leaves trilobed or trisect with a stalked terminal segment, segments crenate-lobulate; upper stem leaves tripartite into narrowly oblong segments. Peduncles slender, much longer than subtending leaf. Sepals reflexed. Petals 3-12 mm. Pollen grains 12-colpate. Achenes obovate-orbicular, compressed, 2-3,5 mm, prominently tuberculate or smooth, the narrow keel grooved on either side; beak directed upwards, narrowly triangular-uncinate, c. 1 mm. Fl. 3-6. Damp places, fallow fields, grassy hollows, etc., mostly near the coast .
1. Disc of achenes smooth var. marginatus
1. Disc of achenes tuberculate var. trachycarpus
S. Europe, Crimea, Caucasia, N. Iran, W. Syria, Cyprus, Egypt. 
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