Ranunculus paludosus

Ranunculus paludosus


Perennial, 10-20 cm, collar of plant swollen and bearing reticulate fibres; root tubers ovate, c. 5 mm. Stems pilose with adpressed or ± spreading hairs, 1-2flowered. Radical leaves usually heteromorphic, outermost ovate-orbicular, broadly toothed or 3-lobed, inner trisect with deeply incised segments , rarely with nearly all the leaves trisect and incised. Sepals adpressed. Petals 9-14 mm. Fruiting head ovate-oblong, 8-10 x 6 mm. Achenes ovate-orbicular, punctulate, 2 mm, contracted into a nearly straight or uncinate, upturned, 1 mm beak. Fl. 3-5. Dry places, s.l.-200 m.
W., C. & S. Europe, N. Africa, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, Cyprus. 
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