Fragaria vesca


Fragaria vesca


Dağ çileği
Stoloniferous herb. Basal leaves in a rosette, trifoliolate; leaflets 1-6 cm, ovate, obovate or rhombic, serrate, equal, canescent beneath, sparsely hairy above. Scape 10-30 cm, usually longer than leaves, 2-7-flowered. Flowers 12-18 mm diam., usually hermaphrodite. Sepals 3-4 mm, lanceolate-cuspidate, slightly longer than epicalyx, segments patent or deflexed in fruit. Petals White, 4-5 mm, obovate or rounded. Receptacles red, glabrous, in fruit up to c. 1 cm. Achenes uniformly scattered over, and projecting from the receptacle. Fl. 4-6. Moist places, especially in forest, 200-2450 m.
Europe, N. Africa, N. & C. Asia, N. America. 
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