Prunus divaricata


Prunus divaricata


Yunus eriği
Shrub or small tree up to 10 m, unarmed or spinescent. Leaves 4-6 x 2-4 cm, ovate-elliptic to obovate, finely crenate-serrate, glabrous above, glabrous to villous beneath. Petioles to 2 cm, eglandular. Flowers white, appearing before the leaves, up to 2.5 cm diam.; pedicels up to 2 cm; sepals in mature flowers revolute. Drupes pendant, globose to ovoid-oblong, 15-30 mm diam., yellow or red to violet; stone smooth or scabrous. Fl. 4-5. Open woodland, steep slopes and among rocks, s.l.-2450 m.
 1. Twigs glabrous; leaves glabrous or pubescent on underside of midrib subsp. divaricata
 1. Twigs and underside of leaves villous subsp. ursina
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