Rosa spinosissima

Rosa spinosissima

Kara kuşburnu
Syn: R.pimpinellifolia
Low shrub, usually c. 1 m, ± erect. Prickles abundant, c. 1 em, slender, straight to slightly curved, abruptly tapering from a small base, sparser and smaller on flowering shoots, interspersed with and passing into acicles and bristles. Leaflets 7-11, ± oval, 0,5-2 x0,4-1,2 cm, obtuse with rounded base, uniserrate or occasionally glandular-biserrate; glabrous on both surfaces, or sometimes sparsely pubescent and/or glandular beneath; stipules narrow with rather short, expanding auricles. Flowers solitary, ebracteate. Pedicels 1,5-2,7 cm, glabrous or glandular-hispid, turning blackish. Sepals entire, narrowly acuminate, 1,2-1,9 cm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, occasionally with a few stipitate glands on the back, ascending to sub-erect in fruit, persistent. Petals 1,5-2 x 1,7-2,2 cm, emarginate, white to cream-white. Styles short, lanate, stigma-head very broad, compact, semiglobose; disc narrow, orifice very wide. Hypanthia 0,7-1,3 em, depressed-globose, smooth, purplish black. Fl. 6-7. Dry open rocky slopes or banks, on limestone or igneous rocks, 1200-2750 m.
W. & S. Europe, S.W. & C. Asia, extending E. to China and Korea. Euro-Sib. element. 
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