Galium cariense

Galium cariense

Annual herb, 2−7 cm tall, reddish. Stems quadrangular to sub-terete, erect, simple, divaricately branched distal portion, glabrous. Basal cauline leaves 2 per node, opposite, shortly petiolate; blades obovate-spathulate, 2−3 × 1−1.25 mm. Medio-diastal cauline leaves in whorls of 4−6, equal, sessile; blades ovate-oblong, 2−3 × 0.5−1 mm, acute, obtuse, without hyaline apex, glabrous above, antrorsely scabrid along margins. All leaves usually nodding. Inflorescence thyrsoid, expanded, 0.7−1 × 1.5−2 cm, sometimes nodding, with secondary branches corymbiform, consisting of condensed monochasial cymes; peduncles 3−8 mm long, divaricate, glabrous. Bracts paired, 1.5−2 × 1−1.5 mm, not exceeding cymes at anthesis, oblong, acute, margins antrorsely scabrid. Flowers sessile or with pedicels to 0.5 mm long, glabrous. Calyx absent. Corolla 4-merous, white to pale pink, cup-shaped, 2−3 mm in diam., lobes ovate, 1−1.25 × 1−1.5 mm, acute to obtuse, glabrous. Mericarps narrowly oblong, 1−1.5 × 0.7−1.2 mm, conspicuously papillate, glabrous. Seeds narrowly oblong, 1.5−1.7 × 0.5−0.7 mm, black, densely tuberculate, longitudinally sulcate on ventral side, glabrous. Flowering and fruiting specimens were collected in May and June.
