Galium floribundum

Galium floribundum

 Ssp floribundum: Kıvrık iplikçik; Ssp. airoides: Tekirova iplikçiği

Diffusely branched, slender annual, 10-30 cm. Stems erect or more often geniculate-prostrate at base, with branches erect to ascending, quadrangular, distinctly scabrid on angles, glabrous or hirsute, Leaves in whorls of 8-12, linear-oblanceolate, linear to subfiliform , 5-15 x 0.3-1.5 mm, lower acute, upper cuspidate to subaristate, with 0.15-0.5 mm hyaline apex, margins revolute and antrorsely scabrid, otherwise glabrous or hirsute. Inflorescence broadly corymbiform, many-flowered, finally extremely diffuse; branches capillary, glabrous or hirsute. Pedicels reddish, 1.5-12 mm, capillary, divaricate, glabrous or hirsute, only slightly thickened just below fruit. Bracts subfiliform, absent from outermost branchings. Corolla purplish-brown, 1.1-2.5 mm diam., ± cup-shaped, glabrous or hirsute outside; lobes oblong, aristate, with capillary awns ± as long as lobes. Ovary with hairs ±adpressed to spreading, curved to uncinate or straight, sometimes glabrous. Mericarps reniform, c. 0.5-1 mm, granulate, uncinate-hirsute or glabrous.
1. Pedicels 1.5-3 mm; corolla to 2.5 mm diam.; leaves more often mucronate, with hyaline apex to 0.3 mm subsp. floribundum
1. Pedicels 4-12 mm ; corolla 1.1-1.6 mm diam. leaves subulate-aristate, with hyaline apex 0.4-0.5 mm subsp. airoides
Distribution of species: Cyprus. 
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