Galium verum

Galium verum

 Ssp glabrescens: Sarı yoğurtotu; Ssp verum: Boyalık

Caespitose perennial, 50-120 cm. Stems generally numerous, erect to ascending, simple to sparingly branched, ± terete with 4 raised lines, ± puberulent. Leaves in whorls of 8-12, 15-30 x 0.5-1 mm, oblanceolate-linear to subfiliform, shortly acuminate, margins strongly revolute and scabrid, sparingly scabrid to hairy above, densely puberulent to glabrescent below, often nigrescent on drying. Inflorescence oblong to ovoid, dense, ± leafy, with short, somewhat spreading branches, densely puberulent to glabrous. Pedicels c. 1-2 mm, slender, divaricate in fruit. Bracts 1-2 mm, lanceolate. Corolla golden-yellow, rotate, 2-3.5 mm diam., with ovate-lanceolate, acute to shortly apiculate lobes. Mericarps 1-1.5 mm, finely granulate, glabrous, sometimes hairy.
1. Stems, inflorescence and lower surface of leaves ± densely puberulent subsp. verum 
1. Stems, inflorescence and lower surface of leaves glabrescent to glabrous subsp. glabrescens
  • 621
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  • 637
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