Verbascum levanticum

Verbascum levanticum

 Arap sığırkuyruğu

Annual, biennial or perennial, with long, multicellular, eglandular hairs and short, stalked glands throughout. Stem terete, mostly simple. Basal leaves with petiole 3-25 cm, lamina 8-25 x 5-11 cm, lyrate-pinnatifid, with large, ovate or cordate, crenate-dentate terminal lobe 4-7 x 3-5,5 cm and 2-4 pairs of small, oblong or ovate lateral lobes; cauline opposite, smaller, upper undivided. Inflorescence dense, many-flowered. Bracts broadly triangular-ovate, acute or shortly acuminate, dentate, lower leaf-like. Pedicels 15-30 mm, ebracteolate. Calyx 4 mm, lobes oblong-spathulate, acutish. Corolla yellow, 25-30 mm diam., sparsely glandular outside. Filament hairs whitish-yellow and purple-violet, 2 anterior anthers decurrent on to filament, 2-3 mm. Capsule broadly ovate or subglobose, 5-7 x 5-6 mm, sparsely glandular or glabrous. Fl. 3-6. Limestone rocks, ruins, riversides, s.l.-630 m.
Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine. Naturalized in C. Portugal. E. Medit. element. 
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