Chaerophyllum aksekiense

Chaerophyllum aksekiense


Erect perennial, 80-130 cm, with thick tap-root. Fibrous collar absent. Stems ridged or finely terete, coarsely retrorse hispid with long and short hairs below; dichotomously branched sparsely spreading hairy or glabrous above. Lower leaves long-petiolate, to 18 cm, densely short retrorse hispidulous, sulcate, base of petiole broadly winged; lamina oblong to broadly ovate-triangular. 12-20 x 5-15 cm, puberulous, 4-5-pinnate. ultimate segments to 15 x 8 mm, deeply pinnatisect with 1-2.5 mm acute linear-lanceolate lobes. Upper leaves smaller, ultimate segments similar to lower leaves; petioles broadly winged, to 9 cm, glabrous. Peduncles 2-6 cm. Rays 7-15, unequal, ± erect, 1-5 cm, Bracts 0-5, caducous, linear. 3-5 mm, glabrous. Bracteoles 6-8, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 3-4 mm, glabrous. persistent. Pedicels 10-15, unequal, 2-5 mm in fruit. Fertile flowers 13 per umbellule. Sepals obsolete. Petals yellow, lanceolate to linear, acuminate to acute, incurved, glabrous. Anthers yellow. Fruits linear-oblong to clavate, 10-23 x 1.5-2 mm, glabrous, sometimes curved at maturity; styles divergent, 1-1.8 mm. Fl. and Fr. 6-7. Open Cedrus libani forest. 1450m.

Endemic. E. Medit, element.

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