Melittis melissophyllum


Melittis melissophyllum


subsp. albida: Pisoğulotu
Stems 30-70 cm, erect, with dense stipitate glands and scattered patent hairs. Leaves ovate, median 7-8 x c. 3.5 cm with to 20 coarse teeth per side; apex acute or shortly acuminate, base truncate to obtuse, shortly petiolate. Verticillasters 2-6-flowered, distant. Pedicels 6-8 mm, densely glandular. Calyx 16-20 mm.Corolla white with purple markings on lower lip c. 35 mm, tube longer than upper lip of calyx. Fl. 5.
S. Italy, Sicily, Balkans. E. Medit. element. Other subspecies occur in W. &C. Europe  and eastern Europe E. to the Ukraine P.W. Ball); both have ± eglanduIar stems.