Fontanesia phillyreoides

Fontanesia phillyreoides

 subsp. phillyreoides: Cılbırtı

Densely branched shrub to 3 m. Young twigs slender. angular, reddish-brown, glabrous. Leaves elliptic-1anceolate, 1,5-4,5 x 0,6-1,5 cm, entire, rarely minutely serrulate, glabrous . Flowers with a heavy, aromatic odour. Corolla 2-3 mm, creamy white. Anthers exserted, creamy yellow, reddish-brown when dehisced. Fruit 6-9 mm, elliptic. winged. Fl. 4. Mostly in dry rocky places ill macchie, Pinus brutia forest or mixed deciduous woodland, sometimes on waste ground, 150-1550 m.
Sicily, Latakia, Lebanon. E. Medit. element. 
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