Hype bilgehan bilgilii

A new Hypericum from Isparta province

A new to science species, Hypericum bilgehan-bilgilii has been found and published by Isa Basköse & Ahmet Savran in Phytotaxa. We congratulate the authors.

Written by Riyat Gül
Hits: 1964
Echinops pannosusCemVuralMersin1

Rediscovery: Echinops pannosus

Echinops pannosus, which has known only from one collection in 1936 (in monte Tauro, aestate 1836, Kotschy 282) has already been collected again by Prof. Cem Vural, Erciyes University, from Cehennem deresi, Mersin. It has been stated that the species grows in clearings of Cedrus and Juniperus forests in 2000m. Congratulations Prof. Vural.

Written by Riyat Gül
Hits: 1845
Polygala azizsancarii2

Dedicated to Aziz Sancar

A newly published Polygala sp found in Mardin province, Turkey, has been dedicated to Prof. Aziz Sancar, a Nobel prize winner in Chemistry, 2017, who was born in Mardin as Polygala azizsancarii. The paper can be downloaded HERE.

Written by Riyat Gül
Hits: 2892