Bellevalia bayburtensisHYBayburt

Newly discovered Bellevalia

A recently discovered Bellevalia sp " Bellevalia bayburtensis" has been published by botanists A. Asef Sefalı & Hasan Yıldırım in Phytotaxa. Congratulations

Written by Riyat Gül
Hits: 2018
Campanula phitosianaHYIzmir

A new Campanula, C. phitosiana

A new to Science Campanula from Aydın Province, which belongs to the Quinqueloculares section, has been discovered and published by Hasan Yıldırım, Assoc. Prof., et.all. in Phytotaxa. We congratulate the Scientists.

Written by Riyat Gül
Hits: 2018
Campanula leblebiciiHYIzmir4

A new Campanula from İzmir province

A new to Science Campanula leblebicii has been discovered by Assoc. Prof. Hasan Yıldırım in Kemalpaşa region and the related article has been recently published in Phytotaxa. The plant has very short stems and is a chasmophyte. Congrats Mr. Yıldırım.

Written by Riyat Gül
Hits: 2061